Category: Uncategorized
Top 20 Mac faves
Inspired by Lou Plummer creating a Top 20 Apps list, and Bakari Chavanu working on one as well, I decided to do one of my own. And if you’re not already following both of those guys, I’m reporting you to the mayor. One Thing My #1 app is the free One Thing by Sindre Sorhus,…
“Werewolf” workday survival guide with Workflowy
I bet you have workdays that feel like you’re on a date with someone who didn’t disclose they’re a werewolf. You start out with nice plans, but by the end they’ve become unrecognizable and may try to kill you. Those werewolf-workdays are where I find infinite outliner apps (especially ❤️Workflowy❤️) superior to standard to-do apps.…
Free productivity apps I love, made by the world’s most productive unicorn-fan
Sindre Sorhus loves unicorns, even to the point of ranking pictures of them. And even more whimsically to me, also loves creating dozens of high quality apps. The majority of them free (!) for some baffling reason. Check out the full list (Mac apps, iOS apps, Apple Watch apps, and Apple Vision apps), and I…
A somehow-useful timewaster
I downloaded Ball almost as a joke, it being a throwback to an era of particularly pointless apps. But I noticed something strange: having it in my dock helped me burn off some of that avoidance-energy that can surface when you’re facing something you really don’t want to do. Something about having a virtual fidget-spinner…
Bartender alternatives: their ownership and permissions
As us Bartender users are getting spooked by the surprise transfer from the original author to a new owner, I’ve compiled a table of the alternative options. Or skip ahead if you’d like quick recommendations, ways to keep icons accessible without apps, information on alternate Bartender versions, or an explanation on why so many apps…